How to Optimize On-site Search For Fashion E-Commerce Store?

The users who use site search shows a clear intent of buying the product by entering its name directly in the search box. Therefore, it is necessary that you deliver the most relevant results possible and the best user experience to convert them into customers. Here, we will discuss the importance of a good search bar in the fashion industry and how it can be optimized to gain maximum conversions. 

Implementing Advanced Search Features to Enhance User Experience

1. Make it Easily Visible

This may sound very simple, but it is very important to make your search bar easily visible. If the users are not able to see your search bar, they are not going to convert and you are already losing potential customers. The search box doesn’t necessarily need to be bold or big, but visitors should be able to locate it easily as soon as they arrive on your website. Asos’s search bar is the perfect example, and they have gone a step ahead by dimming the rest of the site when users click on the search box. 

2. Putting it at the Right Place

The location of the search box is equally important when it comes to influencing visitors to use it to search their desired products. Just like other website elements, positioning the search box contributes to the overall design and appearance of the website. It is recommended that you put the search box in the center and the top of the page. Make it consistent throughout your website, so no matter on what page your users are, they should be able to search products quickly. However, bear in mind not to keep any other similar text box like newsletter sign up too near to the search bar. 

3. Provide Necessary Filters

The customers are likely to leave your website for two major reasons: either they don’t find relevant results or the results displayed are too many. To retain customers on your website, it is imperative that you show relevant results and personalized recommendations, by allowing customers to filter the results without filling the page with thousands of products. For instance, PrettyLittleThing offers many sorting options, such as product category, size, color, price and brand to help you narrow down your search and place your order faster. 

4. Creating the Right Breadcrumbs

It is very irritating for many to see a website that produces breadcrumbs like Home>Search>Your Search Result. However, having the right breadcrumbs can make all the difference. It helps users to get more precise results. They allow people to go back to the previous state without having to start over. 

5. Tracking The Searches

Some web analytic tools like Google Keyword and Google Analytics are a must-have for any e-Commerce website. These tools will help you keep a track of search terms that your users are looking for in your online store. This helps you in determining which is your most searched product, and you can place it on the top of the search results to make sure they are easily accessible. 

Embracing Innovative Search Solutions for Future-Ready Fashion E-Commerce

The presence of search box in the fashion industry is what translates the window shopping experience into a successful ordering process. Offering a holistic approach towards product discovery and enhancing customer experience is key to gain more revenue. Efficient search tool is already available and if your brand is not taking advantage of it, then you are losing potential sales.

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