Top 4 Advantages of Using Third Party Site Search in Shopify

For any e-commerce store, having a robust site search plays a crucial role in converting more customers. Since many e-commerce website development platforms offer basic on-site search functionality, there are also many third party site search extensions in the market that integrate seamlessly in your Shopify store.

Over the past few years, Shopify has acquired immense popularity, with more and more online retailers moving over to this platform. As the number of these e-commerce merchants expand and grow, their requirements also become more complex, and one of the most important areas is on-site search. Site search can really make or break your sales. In this article, we will discuss some of the advantages of integrating site search in your Shopify store.

Benefits of Using Third Party Site Search in Shopify

1. Promote products based on tags and meta field values

The ability to fetch relevant results based on single-word keyword or groups of keywords is one of the basic needs of third party site search, especially for websites with a huge number of products. When using third party on-site search solution in your Shopify store, it boosts particular items or a couple of items based on the rules set in both meta fields and tags. Many solutions offer support for tags, however, meta fields are also essential for many e-commerce owners.

2. Get advanced search insights

Understanding customer behaviour is important for any enterprise in order to improve their services and customer shopping experience. It provides insight into what products are in demand, how customers are searching the products and how they are placing the order. This data is usually captured from the web analytics platform or site search solution.

However, using a combination of both is recommended. While analytics can give you information about click rates, device performance and keywords performance, the site search can provide more details about searches and transactions.

3. Optimize customer experience

In the recent years, machine learning technology has become an integral part of the e-commerce industry. It is extensively used to drive user experience by offering personalized product recommendations. Based on customer behavior and how they interact with your website, such as product searches, clicks, wishlist, add-to-cart and completed purchases, the layer of machine learning in Shopify optimizes the results and show only relevant products and recommendations. This can be useful to pursue your existing customers to urge them to make more purchases.

4. Speed up the entire ordering process

Using a third-party search tool in Shopify can help boost up the process considerably by showing different types of results for products, categories, guides, blog content, etc., without waiting for the search results page to load. Users just need to enter the keywords for the things they are looking for and the search will come up with all the product and query suggestions it has to help users navigate to their desired page.

Since Shopify is itself a great e-commerce development platform, integrating third-party search services, like Wizzy will further extend your business capabilities to deliver a better customer experience, which all boils down to one thing – generating more sales.

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