What’s New in API 1.1.1? Latest Updates & Features

API for Autocomplete

On-site Visitor has become smarter. They now expect to be a Google-like search at each e-Commerce store. Most of us must be using the Autocomplete feature on our e-Commerce store. Do you think that each Search letter brings up the appropriate suggestions to the Visitors on our store?

Imagine, a Visitor is searching for ‘Women levis jeans’, the store should start giving suggestions on hitting each search letter, as the Category gets sorted from the entire Product Portfolio. Showing inappropriate results can be rather confusing & even take your customers on detour that harms the search experience, resulting in drop-offs.

It’s now easier to install and preview a perfectly personalized autocomplete feature for your customers. Wizzy auto-completes the search query, a Visitor is typing and provides smart suggestions, which saves their time.

Take a good look at the Wizzy implementation to one of its clients:

At Wizzy, we would like to push the limits of technology to make each search experience meaningful.
Wizzy auto-complete provides a real boost to search conversion rates.

Products Count parameter while searching/filtering products

Search and filters API have been updated in this release as well. We’ve added the products count parameter in both the APIs. Before this change, there was no option to change the number of products returned in the Search/Filter API.

By default, Wizzy will return 20 products for each request, which can be changed by the developer. Both search and filter APIs can return up to 50 products per request.

Wizzy in a Nutshell

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