magento site search extensions

The Best 6 Magento Extensions Every E-Commerce Site Should Have

magento site search extensions

It is hard to discuss e-commerce without including Magento. Being one of the top e-commerce development platforms, Magento offers tons of features and functionalities right out of the box. However, these features are created with an aim to competently run an online store. But, no two businesses are same and every business owner has different…

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How to Choose the Best Ecommerce Self-Learning Site Search

How to Choose the Best E-Commerce Self-Learning Site Search?

How to Choose the Best Ecommerce Self-Learning Site Search

On-site search function was found to be the most used tool for finding products as it was perceived as a much faster choice than category navigation. While the majority of users look up for their products through site search, it doesn’t make sense not to have a robust site search that delivers optimum results. Choosing…

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Boost Customer Acquisition with Effective Merchandising

How Merchandising can Help You Acquire New Customers?

Boost Customer Acquisition with Effective Merchandising

As the e-commerce industry is advancing by leaps and bounds, with hundreds and thousands of online stores competing against each other, it is essential to adopt the concept of merchandising to attract more customers towards your brand. Merchandising simply means promoting your products and services in a way that influences people to purchase from you….

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E-commerce Product Personalization

Top 3 Reasons Why Customers Leave Your Site Before Placing Order

E-commerce Product Personalization

You may have experienced this situation many times: a user comes to your online shop, look around for some time, then leaves your website without explanation. It is very natural for an ecommerce owner to feel helpless in this perplexing situation. For any online store, it is very important to offer an excellent user experience…

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